Gnirfleo - another DS internet Browser!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Let's give an update?

Wow, I finally received the rights to post here.
You're all waiting for the file, right? The problem is: We found a very nasty bug when using Gnirfleo. When browsing some website, your Memory card became corrupted. We tried formatting it, but it didn't work. Sooo, basically: we ruined some memory cards. We already bought some new ones, but we're trying to fix this bug now.

I also noted that there was somebody in the comments claiming to received the browser. I can assure you: This is NOT true. We haven't mailed anyone. Why would we send it to somebody who just gave his e-mail? If we send the file to somebody, it will be somebody who is well known in the DS-scene, or maybe some admin from a respected site.

Well, that's about it. We'll inform you when we fixed the bug.

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  • Ok, fair enough, but after all that didn't happen, you will understand the skeptics will ask more difficult questions. Even more by making an attempt at showing some technical knowledge. i.e.:

    1. what website did it crash on?
    2. what's wrong with your computer that you can't format a corrupted card?
    3. i'll volunteer to wreck my memory card if you send me the ROM?

    btw. i won't volunteer for 3., other will probably ;)

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:44 AM  

  • Hello Gnirfleo and all the coders..
    I'm Francois Gilbert,better knew as Darkgilson on gbadev and on ds scene, I was the creator of "Glider"with Tassu and HtheB.
    I'm also a newser on , (but my old nickname there is Jim Lovell ;-) ), this site is one of the most viewed by the French community of ds scene.
    I don't force you to give me the file, of course, but if we had just a beta running on our website, we could make a short video showing to at least the whole french people that gnirfleo is NOT a fake...
    So, this is my entry. Sure, you are free to give the bin to anyone other, but with nintendomax, the "secret gnirfleo.nds" will be kept in right hands. You have my honnor speach...

    Sorry if my English is quite bad... :-S but I'm sure you understood what i wanted to say ;-)
    If you want to contact me : gosmonaute [@] hotmail [.] com
    (for other people reading this : you will lose your time if you add me on msn to ask me the nds files !!)
    Good luck for the bug fixes!

    By Blogger Franky, at 1:50 AM  

  • Hello Gnirfleo and team
    for de card´s
    Try fdisk/f


    By Blogger luc, at 2:01 AM  

  • I bet 20 bucks that it comes out on April 1st!
    But it's not gonna be an internet browser...

    By Blogger Geist, at 2:21 AM  

  • Hi, I've been watching this project since the fist posts but never commented.

    Gnirfleo, I'm guessing your browser reads/writes directly to the storange card?


    This is the very reason people have not used the storage card for such purposes; this is why slot-2 cards generally have their own memory.

    If you have written an app that caches directly on the card, then you WILL kill cards. If I were you, I'd look at how the DSlinux team (pepsiman?) accessed the 32MB onboard the SuperCard devices.

    If you continue using the storage card to cache, then this problem will persist and the application will be a dead end.

    I suggest you seek out those homebrewers who might be able to help you with this issue. Definately contact the DSlinux team!

    The more help you can get at this stage, the better.

    Cheers for letting us know, and may I apologise on behalf of all those who make rude comments. Fake or not, I don't see any excuse to be impolite

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:34 AM  

  • drop the file on, that will shut up all the little tard-farts who think its fake. are also a great and well respected community for the homebrew scene. i am assuming you already know of these places but just in case, there it is. btw how is this curruption happening, memory leak, allocation crossover, or is it some how actually "hurting" the physical flash. i only ask because i cant really see a piece of software destroying a the hardware beyond format or use. curiousity.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:34 AM  

  • im god
    send me the file and i'll fix all the problems for you *wink wink*
    if it stuffs up my card i send u to hell >:[

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:34 AM  

  • Wow! Good luck for the next step of the development! *^_^*

    We are with you! ^^

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:56 AM  

  • So after the bug is fixed you'll release it to everyone?

    By Blogger carL, at 3:14 AM  

  • hey glad to know that there is someone still alive on the Gnirfleo team. if you could, could you please give your first name so all these people can use a real name to talk to and not a programs name? THANKS :D and i wish you good luck with the corruption thing and i cant wait for it to be released


    By Blogger kyle, at 4:22 AM  

  • gnirfleo will become a not fake project when the release becomes true. since that it is a fake for me. and everybody thinks or must think the same...

    By Blogger logoff, at 4:54 AM  

  • Why didn't you told us this before?

    By Blogger Kurnic, at 4:54 AM  

  • I'd take this browser even with the bug. Memory cards are cheap nowadays.

    By Blogger yoyoboom, at 4:58 AM  

  • Dear god, this goes on and on, I've already stated that im GizmoTheGreen, I'm fairly well known in the dev scene, Google my nick and you'll find some stuff, I'm the prject starter of True Love DS, and I'd like us to help eachother out, if this is real, then ill be reacheble trough MSN, so leave a message ^^

    GizmoTheGreen [at] Hotmail [dot] [community]

    Also, for everyone else that reads this, mine and Sat's blog is located here , No spamming please ^^

    By Blogger GizmoTheGreen, at 5:46 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Jan.K, at 5:53 AM  

  • I find it unfortunate! This text was translated with Google!

    By Blogger Jan.K, at 5:56 AM  

  • Gnirfleo your full of shit And erlay happy april fools day >_>,

    By Blogger anker, at 6:05 AM  

  • "We tried formatting it, but it didn't work. Sooo, basically: we ruined some memory cards."

    ...and there's your 100% bullshit confirmation folks :D

    Move on, nothing to see here!

    If only this 'project' had been faked by someone with a bit of a clue that could make believeable, actually -possible- excuses, then it might have trolled successfully a little longer :/

    ...and if it were possible to irreversibly damage a flash memory card from the DS, *that* code would be 100x more impressive than a browser pulled out of someone's ass :D

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:37 AM  

  • "Also, for everyone else that reads this, mine and Sat's blog is located here http://hentaids.littleangelshentai.dongs"

    ...more like TAIHEN DS, am I right folks?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:40 AM  



    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 7:02 AM  

  • Wow I am a NEW Believer. I really believe they wrote code that damages cards.
    I really believe they were unaware of the bug.
    I really believe this site is now under new managment.
    I really believe they will release it very soon.

    BUT!!! I was declared braindead last week.

    By Blogger Brit, at 7:28 AM  

  • I've heard that scummvm ds running on supercard sd has the same problem. It can damage the card too. I didn't try newest versions of scummvm, but, if they fixed the problem can be the same solution for you, if you can talk to the creator of scummvm ds.

    By Blogger Guilherme - Homebrew Maker, at 7:31 AM  

  • Eum ,i have been told you can ALWAYS format a card, or hard-drive.

    By Blogger Loxerium, at 7:52 AM  

  • the best way to reformat a memory card is to use a non-pc device such as a digital camera or mobile phone.

    I have had this problem before and solved it using thsi method

    By Blogger tech4375, at 9:11 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger tech4375, at 9:12 AM  

  • just post it and I we'll deal with the bugs for now

    By Blogger tech4375, at 9:17 AM  

  • #oldwarez, shut up, you're not right :P
    I actually took initiative to make a REAL H-game for the ds, since no one has te guts becouse ONE idiot made on that bricks your DS...

    Go visit the blog, I might put up something later, next week or so, *no promises*

    By Blogger GizmoTheGreen, at 9:40 AM  

  • The behaviour of some people here makes me sick. Not to mention the dumb spammers. But the others who insult, cry, beg for the nds-file, flame etc.

    Your behaviour is really bad. Hey, this is a FREE project, the programmer makes it for FREE.

    And he owes you nothing. NOTHING. You didnt pay for it.

    If you want to complain, BUY yourself a copy of the commercial NDS Browser. There you have the right to complain cause you PAID for it.

    Stop this silly behaviour, all this spamming and flaming and insults. STFU or code youself, lamers.

    By Blogger Sascha, at 10:47 AM  

  • The only thing I'd want to do less than visiting some dude's "blog" would be: jerking it to cartoon 'porn.'

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:50 AM  

  • Hi Bug, Im nintendobook, here since the beginning ;-) i hope gnirfleo is fine because people been rude with he or her on the last 2 updates.. IF you send the file to someone , i think i see GeekShadow interrested in the other update (php homebrew database in dsorganize) I think to Lick too, he's probably have a lot of capabilities to help you (LoveLite, dsliveftp, dsliveweather etc..) They are 2 big names on the homebrew scene.. If you need some others names ideas, im always here ;-)

    PS. not releasing it is a good idea if it corrupt the card and not able to reformat it, i agree so much ;-)
    When this trouble will be fixed, if you need testers, i have supercard cf, supercard rumble microsd, gbamp cf and a m3 simply

    Thanks for read, say hello to gnirfleo, hope to see a next update soon ;-)

    By Blogger nintendobook, at 10:55 AM  

  • Sascha heres an idea, how about you STFU? If you wernt one of his retarded fan-boys you would see that he continues to bury himself deeper in his own BS. But you go on kissing his ass and maybe he will release the alpha to you.

    As I said before if he was having issues with the browser he could have just posted that and everyone would have been happy. Instead he went off like a spoiled brat and cried about how no one loves him, BUT the browser was done. Now he decides to post a half-assed excuse about the browser "destroying" his memory cards, pretty neat that his broswer does the same thing that DM's alpha was doing but took it one step further (especially considering that his is Beta accoring to his previous posts) Hell his broswer was fully functional just a few weeks ago.

    Look at his previous posts and then look at this post and tell me it isn't the slightest odd. release it to someone in the DS-Scene or a site that we all know, corrupted or not those people would like to see it. Only reason I see as to why this wasn't done in the first place is because he has ruined his credibility with all the major homebrew sites like he has with all of us.

    I have an idea, if we are such lamers how about you post us a little more detail as to why his browser is no only corrupting cards but destroying them as well, it's obvious his team has no idea how to go into detail about it. Not to mention that it's a big feat to actually wreck a card with software. Looks like he's reverse coding his browser to break shit instead of surfing the net.

    Gnirfleo the person may not be dead but his joke is. Time to let go and move on to kissing other developers asses.

    By Blogger Fenrir, at 11:31 AM  

  • I thank you for not releasing this... I mean, one, all those people were being total jackasses, and two, if you had, those forementioned jackasses' cards would have been corrupted, then all hell would have broken loose...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:01 PM  

  • @Fenrir lol, if you still have some others homebrews to discover, i think you should do what you said, go on others developpers sites and kiss some others asses.

    By Blogger nintendobook, at 12:21 PM  

  • I can give you a terabyte of deticaded hosting if you want it, many devs use my site to host their files

    By Blogger fischju, at 12:23 PM  

  • we need know... when this will be released?

    By Blogger SyaoranLi, at 12:44 PM  

  • @OldWarez:

    You absolutely can irreversably damage a flash card. There's a limited number of write cycles for flash memory, and if you're using a section of flash as swap space, I find it very plausible that the card can become corrupt beyond repair. In fact, I believe someone brought this to gnirfleo's attention in a previous post before this blog turned into a spamfest/flamefest. It's hard to separate the real posts out when 95% of the posts on here are either trash talking or FUCKTYOYFUCKYTOYJFASDU crap. A bunch of children here posting, I tell you.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:18 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Sasuke-Guy, at 1:47 PM  

  • It's real, i downloaded the beta version of DSOrganize and it corrupted my memory card, it still works, but no one likes an application that destroys sections of your memory card. You did well.

    By Blogger chatran20, at 2:38 PM  

  • Hi,
    Please, if you can, I'd like with you send tome, my e-mail and Messenger is .
    I know with this isn't fake, because i see the pictures and you are a good person. ^^

    Sorry if my English is quite bad... :-S but I'm sure you understood what i wanted to say ;-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:55 PM  

  • ok, even i now say that this is ludicrus.

    first off, there is no way a certain website would corrupt a card. it wouldnt. it couldnt. a website is a website... i guess it does depend on what files are stored directly onto the card, but there would be no way that the website would corrupt a card so that it couldnt be reformated. if it cant be reformated, something else would have to blow, and that would be PHYSICAL damage to the card. This is no bug. At least not what i think anymore. i was willing to stay with you till the last post, but now i say this is where it ends. you give us no details why it corrupts the card, we get no other specs or information other than "there is a bug now that conveniently we just found out," just so that this roose will be prolonged till april 1st or something. you will just keep going and going.

    I am a programmer myself, and have worked with webbrowsers. I am almost positive that a web page does not have the ability to corrupt a card to the point where it no longer works period.

    I wont take any more of this and believe it.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:58 PM  

  • I believe what the poster intended to say was, "when browsing some websites,"

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3:08 PM  

  • All of you out there are right...sorta. It is possible to destroy a card and yes cards do have limited write cycles but what you are missing is that most if not all cards have write cycles in the 100's of thousands or more. For him to ruin every card that he has put that browser on they would either have to be very old or that browser is writing and over writing its cache a hell of a lot and at speeds faster than a card can write anyways. That means that in those screen shots he released he was able to load google and the card crashed, end of story. Funny how he didn't mention that when he was surfing the net to google. On top of that most if not all cards also can continue to run with less than full capacity if certain areas of the card have become un-writable. In other words just like your HD if there is a bad sector the card will skip that area and write to the next one...not fail to write at all.

    So yes it could break your card, but just like all your other apps it would take a hell of a long time to do it.

    Besides if this fatal error just started happening it makes you wonder what they were doing in the Alpha stages of this browser and how they managed to go from a fully working browser (be it a little slow) to an app that causes memory cards to completely crap out.

    By Blogger Fenrir, at 3:25 PM  

  • Friday, February 02, 2007
    i wrote this message with the gnirfleo webbrowser. it took me almost 20 minutes so it needs a lot of work.
    20 minutes? Pffft..
    Friday, March 02, 2007

    There will be 4 different versions. They are somehow the same, but they differ in size.
    4 Versions? DUHH WOT!!
    Wednesday, March 07, 2007
    Now, this is the browser fully working.
    FULLY WORKING? f u l l y ! !
    Saturday, March 24, 2007
    I think I have to be honest with you. I forgot about the releasedate.
    The whole team FORGOT?, lmao
    Monday, March 26, 2007
    I'm sorry for not releasing the browser. I have other things on my mind right now.
    OOps Forgotten again?
    Thursday, March 29, 2007
    The problem is: We found a very nasty bug when using Gnirfleo. When browsing some website, your Memory card became corrupted.
    None of the ( ahem ) DEVELOPEMENT TEAM noticed this bug in the FULLY Working software. All 4 versions have the same bug?. Or maybe you only checked 1 version and forgot to check the rest.
    Never any real answeres here.Lots of excuses.Never any answers.

    By Blogger Brit, at 3:42 PM  

  • Franky said...

    " Hello Gnirfleo and all the coders..
    I'm Francois Gilbert,better knew as Darkgilson on gbadev and on ds scene, I was the creator of "Glider"with Tassu and HtheB.
    I'm also a newser on , (but my old nickname there is Jim Lovell ;-) ), this site is one of the most viewed by the French community of ds scene.
    I don't force you to give me the file, of course, but if we had just a beta running on our website, we could make a short video showing to at least the whole french people that gnirfleo is NOT a fake...
    So, this is my entry. Sure, you are free to give the bin to anyone other, but with nintendomax, the "secret gnirfleo.nds" will be kept in right hands. You have my honnor speach...

    Sorry if my English is quite bad... :-S but I'm sure you understood what i wanted to say ;-)
    If you want to contact me : gosmonaute [@] hotmail [.] com
    (for other people reading this : you will lose your time if you add me on msn to ask me the nds files !!)
    Good luck for the bug fixes! "
    Nothing wrong with your English buddy. You are totally right... Gnirfleo, if you want people to shut up, put a video up. It's extremely hard to deny a video.

    Show it from booting the custom firmware to the running of the program.

    "Ok, fair enough, but after all that didn't happen, you will understand the skeptics will ask more difficult questions. Even more by making an attempt at showing some technical knowledge. i.e.:

    1. what website did it crash on?
    2. what's wrong with your computer that you can't format a corrupted card?
    3. i'll volunteer to wreck my memory card if you send me the ROM?

    btw. i won't volunteer for 3., other will probably ;)"

    Yes please, inform us about this too... I'm a technical person and I would like to understand why this is happeneing...

    By Blogger Rhyok, at 5:07 PM  


    go there. its not as easy to understand, but it would help explain why the "bug" was not visible then but now.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:16 PM  

  • Many you guys are good at convincing people.

    By Blogger Alex Day, at 5:41 PM  

  • Nice point rage only problem is that article is 7 years old, write lifetimes have exceeded the 10,000 mark a long time ago, even in generic cards. Card technology changes faster than PC tech does, especially CF and SD.

    It is remotely possible that this is the problem but it's very unlikely. Especially being that this is the first time this has shown up on all of the testing you would expect something this big to go through. The card would be put through more stress testing the browser over and over again than it would in application. As big a bug like this would have been found during alpha testing or sooner. not likely.

    Sorry Gnirfleo team but try again. You still have a couple more days till Apr 1st to come up with a better excuse.

    By Blogger Fenrir, at 6:44 PM  

  • Haha! Thanks brit for putting it in perspective so nicely. "Forgot the release date!?!?" That's a classic.

    At least OKIWI released an alpha. I'll believe it when I see it, until then I'll just check back once in a while to amuse myself.

    It won;t surprise me a bit it the browser starts killing pixels on the screens next! hahah!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:11 PM  

  • I KNEW this browser was real! Good luck, Gnirfleo!

    Go Canucks Go!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:14 PM  

  • Awesome!!

    DSOrganize just release a workable Web Browser on its homebrew!!

    I guess Gnirfleo missed the punch to first!!

    Nice try faker!! DragonMind rules!!

    By Blogger Pickle, at 7:36 PM  

  • Awesome!!

    DSOrganize just release a workable Web Browser on its homebrew!!

    I guess Gnirfleo missed the punch to first!!

    Nice try faker!! DragonMind rules!!

    By Blogger Pickle, at 7:37 PM  

  • @fenrir:
    Is it possible they use cheap flash in these DS flashcarts that may not have the 100,000 write cycles that new more expensive name brand flash memory has?

    I also agree about completely destroying the flash -- pretty difficult to do. But maybe the Gnirf isn't using the proper formatting procedure...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:25 PM  

  • Gnirfleo--

    If you can answer one question and one question only, how about explaining where the name 'Gnirfleo' comes from???

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:38 PM  

  • Usually the only major difference between cards is their read/write speeds and optimal operating temperatures. You do get a little more paying the extra buck but even cheap cards that come from london drugs are standard when it comes to write cycles, plus for most card companies their cards made by the same manufacturer, SanDisk (a good example of this is to look at the Silicon Power Memory Sticks, right on the card it says SanDisk)

    The only way he could mess up a card that bad was if all these cards were at the end of their time, he's come up with a new fangled way to toast a card quick or hes been somehow using Fuji/Olympus XD cards, those things are pieces of junk. Memory cards are build to be abused, remember that most products that use them are writing and re-writing to them fairly often.

    After spending the last few years working with all kinds of cards you get to know the ins and outs of them quite well and I've seen everything from massive corruption to dead blocks and those cards were still recoverable/usable. Almost all cards on the market will write faster than hardware supports, they do this for when you plant that card into a PC but even slower ones will only allow the transfer to go as fast as the card can handle so it's very unlikely that his browser could burn a card out, between the hardware and the card itself.

    By Blogger Fenrir, at 2:15 AM  

  • Leo,
    You are the same person as Gnirfleo right?

    Not only is your handle similar but you write in the same style. I have seen VERY few people use colons ":". Almost no-one uses them regularly and even less use them the way you do..

    From Leo (the new dev)
    "Sooo, basically: we ruined...."
    "I can assure you: This is NOT true."

    and from Gnirleo (the old dev)
    "but trust me: Once you've tried this: you don't want..."
    "make (almost everybody happy): It will work..."
    "Of course: Not everything..."
    "beauty of Homebrew: There will be..."

    Not even got a friend to fake a post or two for you Gnirf?

    By Blogger Brit, at 4:12 AM  

  • Brit, you right, both write at the same style.

    Let's use DSOrganize that now have search possibilities over google, yahoo, msn and much more that you can personalize.

    By Blogger Gnirfleo, at 4:18 AM  

  • @gnirfleo:
    I'm following this project not long,but it must be a very good browser, if the bug is fixed.
    I read you comment and while reading, I thought: Will he end his project??? I hope no...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:26 AM  

  • I'm getting a bit sick of people saying this nice project is fake, it's a good team that gets bad attention now... Luckily I have quite a few contacts and got my hands on one of the latest versions I think, so here's a little movie of me using it. I think it works pretty nice ^^

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:13 AM  

  • Oh and people can thank me at detunedwaveform AT ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:14 AM  

  • multisynth wats your msn i am Jester a NDS Coder and i would like to know possibly where you had gotten the file to play gnirfleo?

    By Blogger michael, at 7:30 AM  

  • Sorry man, I promised the person who I got it from that I wouldn't spread it. Just wait for the official release, it'll be there very soon I think, it seems really finished already.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:32 AM  

  • Hey multysinth, i sent you a message on YouTube about the browser. It would be cool if you give me the file, i watch the project from a so long time :D
    Thanks in advance.

    By Blogger tomleboubou, at 7:44 AM  

  • I think that ":"sign's are something dutch, I use it a lot too.

    By Blogger Teun, at 7:54 AM  

  • how about some more videos?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:19 AM  

  • I'm terribly sorry but I can't give you any information at this moment. Please understand that I've done everything I can to prove the project isn't fake.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:19 AM  

  • well thanks for the video you gave me hope again. :)

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:35 AM  

  • Hooray! Who are these mysterious "contacts"

    By Blogger Muted, at 8:42 AM  

  • Please stop asking me questions, I can't answer them. I hope you understand my situation...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:50 AM  

  • It looks suspiciously like a video being played on the DS. Why do I say this?

    The number of buttons pressed do not correlated with the typing speed on screen. "" must have been typed in what? 2 seconds with just 5 clicks.

    And before the enter button was pressed, the Gnirfleo blog had already commenced loading. Look at it closely.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:56 AM  

  • Looking at it again, it doesn't seem the stylus touches the screen.

    Alas, if Multisynth is able to do this, get your contacts to film the color of the DS Lite led while the browser is in use. I would like to see the blinking green lights.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:59 AM  

  • there are no video player that play on both of the screens. if there are prove it.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:02 AM  

  • thanks anyway. I understand your position

    By Blogger Muted, at 9:06 AM  

  • seems as if the video is in fact faster than normal time. If you consider placement of keys on the ds keyboard and a possible time speed up, it could be realistic.

    By Blogger Muted, at 9:09 AM  

  • There CAN be slideshows programmed for the DS. Just because it's fake doesn't mean it is a movie.

    Personally, I think there are now two possible things. Gnirfleo will say it's fake on April 1, then release it on April 2 as a joke on all who said it was fake.

    Or, the blog will just disappear.

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 9:13 AM  

  • Alguien español que pueda traducir la frase de Pulp Fiction de "no empecemos a chuparnos las pollas todavĂ­a"? Gracias

    P.S. I don't believe any fucking frame of that video

    By Blogger alzberto, at 9:40 AM  

  • @fenrir:
    I'm not kissing anyones ass.

    What I wanted to point out is that everybody has the right to discuss. But not to complain and to insult.

    Nobody was forced to read his blog. And even if it is a fake, nobody here paid for something.

    And nobody really knows the reasons why gnirfleo (Is this his nick?) is behaving like this. I must admit, its somehow strange. But we must accept it because he isnt doing any bad things. And, the other way round, nobody can force gnirfleo to release his browser.

    And I really dont care about the reasons why he doesnt release a beta or a new vid, or something else. If there will be a release: GREAT. If not: BAD LUCK. But we not loose anything.

    And if I were him, I would perhaps never release his browser, just because of this stupid reaction of the people here in this blog. And I would have a great software just for me.

    By Blogger Sascha, at 9:49 AM  

  • @MultiSynth
    Thanks -- I'll have to check this out when I get home from work. They blocked us from accessing all streaming media, how lame.

    I have a suggestion, can we all stop posting speculation about this project? And just let it be and see what happens from here onward? It's really annoying to have to read through meaningless post after meaningless post.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:27 AM  

  • Has anyone ever scrolled the Google homepage to the left? I mean, if you make your window tiny you can scroll the page right, but only left after you first scrolled right. And the page fitted anyway so it shouldn't scroll at all. It doesn't make sense to me at all.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:51 AM  

  • JW, I think that would depend on the browser and the screen resolution.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:17 PM  

  • Oh, JW, I *can* answer that one. ^^ Only the bottom/'left' screen is touch screen, so you can only click the links that are on that screen. So to click a link that's on the right screen you'd have to scroll the page horizontally.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:27 PM  

  • @Ivan:

    It's also possible that he just typed "gnirfleo" into the google search and pressed "I'm feeling lucky". That might explain the fast typing time, although I haven't myself watched the video yet, just guessing here.

    Either that, or maybe multisynth is an expert stylus user. He probably owns everyone at Metroid Prime!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:48 PM  

  • @multisynth: good point, but you're scrolling the wrong way!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:21 PM  

  • I also noted that there was somebody in the comments claiming to received the browser. I can assure you: This is NOT true. We haven't mailed anyone. Why would we send it to somebody who just gave his e-mail? If we send the file to somebody, it will be somebody who is well known in the DS-scene, or maybe some admin from a respected site.

    By Blogger Brit, at 1:24 PM  

  • Yup, I just quickly showed off some functions. Last comment for now, I'm quite busy :(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:30 PM  

  • Brit, he might have been referring to that dude that went around spamming out a link to the bricker saying it was gnirfleo. Obviously there is a mild language barrier here, so please stop trying to take all of his posts out of context.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:54 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:55 PM  

  • @bryan

    I think the meaningless posts are quite entertaining, thank you.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:56 PM  

  • True, I can agree with you on that. My intentions are only to try stopping this one from becoming another flamefest.

    ADHDyoshi is my favorite. At least he's got originality.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:03 PM  

  • Thanks bryan. Now I shall celebrate by eating my car. (gulp) Yum...

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 2:36 PM  

  • ADHDYoshi is the only true master of eating cars. But Ominiq comes in as a close second.

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 2:39 PM  

  • And Link is very good at eating tractors, as we will see in the next five minutes on FEER FACTER! W()()T XD LOLOL

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 2:45 PM  

  • Fuck yes I am. I am a tractor eating whore.

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 2:47 PM  

  • (cue hilarious IRC in-joke here)

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 2:48 PM  


    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 2:49 PM  

  • 100th comment!

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 2:49 PM  


    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 2:51 PM  

  • ADHDYoshi> /control linkmaster SPAMMODE ON


    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 2:54 PM  

  • @link


    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:11 PM  

  • @tractorz:

    What the fuck? Who the hell are you?

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 5:39 PM  

  • Where am I? Is that you potter?


    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:32 PM  

  • ok in that video don't you think that maybe multisynth had gnirfleo in favorites and his keyword was "gnirfleo" that would have worked and it could have went that fast....oh and by the way multisynth thank you for releasing that video :D i knew it wasn't a fake from the start but I'm happy someone released some proof to all the non-believers :D

    By Blogger kyle, at 7:39 PM  

  • Since this is obviously a fake, I flagged it, hopefully blogger will take this blog down soon.

    By Blogger Banished, at 9:07 PM  

  • Banished: What is real, man? Haven't you ever seen the Matrix? Or even Cheech and Chong for that matter.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:08 PM  

  • Yes, it's even more obviously fake now that they posted a video. Honestly do you really think someone would go through that much trouble? To make a fake vid?

    Hmmmmmm.... I'm going to go drop the kids off in the pool and ponder this. brb.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:12 PM  

  • I'd go through the trouble to make hundreds of people believe something untill i can say "Ha ha ha ha! April Fools!". Personally, i'd add some of my own ads though and make a little money off the deal also, but, either way, even without that, it'd be fun :-P. That video...I don't know...i guess we'll 2020 if it's real or not. ...or april 1st...whatever is quicker. :-P

    He could have went to a randomized page and kept refreshing it in his would have made the video much more belieavble, but oh well...i'm neutral right now.

    By Blogger cbeley, at 10:40 PM  

  • Then again, i guess it would be fairly simple to simulate the random pages...bleh, oh well...goodnight :-P

    By Blogger cbeley, at 10:41 PM  


    video with comic books and screen are easily cheatable.


    Believe me !

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:24 AM  

  • One day left to release

    ... of another ds bricker =)

    By Blogger Geist, at 5:40 AM  

  • it seems obvious to me, after watching the video, the browser has autocomplete built in!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:10 AM  

    i know you can do it =D

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:01 AM  

  • No, you're all wrong. Typing anything into the address bar will bring up Gnirfleo, except for The only pages that work with it right now are Google and Gnirf Blog - don't ask me how I know. (ask me! ask me!)

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 8:09 AM  

  • ADHDYoshi, how do you know?

    By Blogger Hosain H, at 8:28 AM  

  • I'd laugh if he posted on his blog, on April 1st "April Fools!". Everyone would say "I knew it was fake!".

    Then he would release it on April 2nd lol.

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 8:58 AM  

  • U ST0LE MY THERY U .. ERGH... BLARGH (explodes)

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 9:03 AM  

  • Ominiq: Unless you repost this in 3 comments
    ADHDYoshi: a pie will fall on u!

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 9:09 AM  

  • Ominiq: Stupid quotes getting public :(

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 9:11 AM  

  • ADHDYoshi: What sort of bastard would keep publishing IRC quotes on a Blogger site?

    By Blogger ADHDYoshi, at 9:12 AM  

  • A cool one.

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 9:14 AM  

  • After the entire team put a years worth of effort into it, I think he'll not release it to anyone.

    Or if he releases it it'll be only to the people who really deserve it.

    like jan.k

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:16 AM  

  • Then he would've wasted "a years worth of effort".

    By Blogger LinkMaster03, at 9:19 AM  

  • maybe a new browser is coming?

    By Blogger nintendobook, at 9:39 AM  

  • After the entire team put a years worth of effort into it, I think he'll not release it to anyone.

    Or if he releases it it'll be only to the people who really deserve it.

    like jan.k

    Nah, Rule #2 of the Internet: Someone always leaks it.

    By Blogger cbeley, at 9:56 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger kyle, at 10:22 AM  

  • There is an video in youtube available, where you can see that Gnirfleo isn't a fake:

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:52 PM  

  • Hello, my name is Pierre, (my nickname is C@illou),
    I'm a redactor on the same website as franky,, we take your browser very seriously and we want to prove to the French DS community that gnirfleo isn't a fake. You write that the memory card will be corrupted, can you make a version without using the FAT access? We cant wait for a functional version, can you contact us at the e-mail of franky?

    gosmonaute [ @ ] hotmail [ . ] com

    Thank you in advance.
    (And excuse my bad English)

    By Blogger C@illou, at 1:14 PM  

  • There are rules of the internet? Could you send me a link to that list of rules?

    They are unwritten rules, but everyone knows them.

    1. If it exists, there is porn of it.
    2. Someone ALWAYS leaks it.
    3. There are no girls on the Internet.

    By Blogger cbeley, at 3:32 PM  

  • i can't believe how f*** stupid ds homebrew user kids are.
    get a f*** clue.
    youve been warned for ages now.
    and still so many seem to believe this crap.
    gnirfleo, you are a sad m**f***.
    pretty stunning.
    some day you'll regret this.
    someday your Consciousness will catch up. maybe. if you ever grow up. or if you ever get a life.
    untill then, well, good luck in your sad life. keep on taking the piss out of stupid 11 year old kids, if thats what gets you a hard on.

    By Blogger FX9, at 4:02 PM  

  • @gnirfleo

    i'm pretty sure dx9 means conscience.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:07 PM  

  • what about the homebrew browser nintendobook pointed out, does that look fake?

    By Blogger NoLaN, at 4:34 PM  

  • dx9, if this turns out not to be fake would you still use it once it released? Just curious.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:52 PM  

  • Well its april fools day so all you critics will see if your right.

    By Blogger tech4375, at 12:17 AM  

  • bryan: sure.
    if it would not be a fake, i would use it of course (if its better than opera ds that is:). i promise to apologize to all you believers and to gnirfleo in that case. ha.
    now, once it is clear that it is a fake, will you also admit that you were wrong and maybe learn something out of it?

    By Blogger FX9, at 1:03 AM  

  • fx9, absolutely. Personally I think a blog is a terrible place for software releases in development stage. Moderated forums are much more appropriate. The only thing I can think of is these guys don't want any outside help and they want it to be their baby. Unless of course it's all a just a big joke in which case I will chuckle a little and reconsider my belief that you can't believe everything you see on the internet.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:14 AM  

  • lol, rule no1....
    thats rule 34!
    idiot ;)

    By Blogger GizmoTheGreen, at 2:41 AM  

  • New Video:

    No its not a fake. Now I know it. I just got a link to a new video from a friend of a friend who somehow got the pre-Alpha Version 1.4 of the browser. This video _clearly_ shows that it all for real and unfaked:

    He mentioned a user called liprA, perhaps a friend from the Developer or so, who gave him this .nds file.

    So, disbelievers, do you believe now???

    By Blogger Sascha, at 2:53 AM  

  • oh shit, i was wrong! wow, its indeed for real. and it has a pretty cool html rendering engine too. lol.

    By Blogger FX9, at 4:05 AM  

  • 1st of april has come, now lets wait and see what happens.

    By Blogger Geist, at 4:13 AM  

  • i loled har at that one :P

    By Blogger GizmoTheGreen, at 5:50 AM  

  • wow i think today is going to be an interesting day if they do release it... i for one don't think anyone is going to download it to test it in fear of it being a bricker...

    By Blogger kyle, at 7:22 AM  

  • even if it would be a bricker, i wont fear it, i have FlashMe :P

    By Blogger GizmoTheGreen, at 7:44 AM  

  • GizmoTheGreen, so you will be our official tester if it does come out today?

    By Blogger kyle, at 7:53 AM  


    By Blogger Hosain H, at 8:45 AM  

  • APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!

    By Blogger Stern 100, at 10:34 AM  

  • Gnirfleo. talk to us. please?

    By Blogger Muted, at 11:30 AM  

  • sascha, awesome footage!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:46 PM  

  • is ther going to be a alpha or not?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:50 PM  

  • 1 hour left till 1st of april's done (gmt +1)

    By Blogger Geist, at 2:07 PM  

  • Did someone post that something was going to be released today? I must have missed that...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:25 PM  

  • i think, tacos taste well

    By Blogger Thunderstrike, at 2:30 PM  

  • no, but if it's a fake( i don't think that gnirfleo is a fake) he'll say it today, april fools

    sorry for my baaaaad english

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:32 PM  

  • Haven't you all heard of Late April Fools Day? Mark your calendars, it's April 2nd!

    By Blogger cbeley, at 2:55 PM  

  • April Fools ends at noon for some reason.
    Late April Fools Day? LOL!

    1 month later...

    By Blogger Emosteria, at 4:03 PM  

  • ************************************

    No browser yet?

    There`s a surprise.


    Maybe tommorrow. XXXXX

    By Blogger Brit, at 5:02 PM  

  • No idea why people are expecting a 'release' on the 1st...were you -also- fooled by the 'gnirfleo' comments left under other posts?

    Realize that the commenter's name is based on your account's First Name, not the username, so it's not exactly hard to use 'someone else's' name.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:04 PM  

  • ***********************************
    * *
    * *
    * G N I R F L E O !!!! *
    * *
    * *
    * V A P O U R W A R E *
    * *
    * *

    By Blogger Brit, at 5:06 PM  

  • I would love this blog to prove me wrong. I would really like to see a Browser that is free for all to use and enjoy..
    I see no real information here.
    All we are shown is a pretty poor picture. No answers, no useful information.
    We have seen claims of people having the Beta,but no proof..
    We have seen claims about Video, if that video was real Gnirfleo would have been on here to confirm it.
    But i still pop in every day, i still make comments. I will probably continue to do so until i know for sure about the browser.
    if i stick in a few Colons here and there::: will that make me clever to?..::::

    By Blogger Brit, at 5:19 PM  

  • frankly...i'm really disapointed...I wanted my April Fools browser today...

    By Blogger cbeley, at 5:25 PM  

  • i wanted a bike..i never got that

    By Blogger Brit, at 5:28 PM  

  • Hey Gnirfleo team

    I came here originally, excited about your project. That excitement continues, but your fan base excites me more. I have done a bit of work graphing the number of people calling you a liar over time and it definitely has a nice distribution.

    I was originally thinking that since other DS homebrew apps have been delayed and not spammed, it was probably that first person to call you a liar that brought this whole thing on. The graph so far makes a good argument for the growth of this liar argument being dependent on how many liar posts existed at that particular time. So we get some pretty steep growth.

    I was wondering if you keep visitor data. There are several neat insights to be gained about your posters with the addition of that data and possibly the deleted comments if you could make them available.

    If you are interested in such things. You could send the data to and I will add the completed microstudy to my blog upon completion.

    By Blogger Ellioto Gozoto, at 6:30 PM  

  • @thunderstrike

    tacos are the shiznit.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:30 PM  

  • oh yea?

    well.. well.. i also like crusty chicken, mmm yes quite

    By Blogger Thunderstrike, at 6:54 PM  

  • I hope you enjoy your Microstudy..
    Please remember to ask for everyones consent before you use any informatiom about their posts.

    By Blogger Brit, at 7:01 PM  

  • Ellioto Gozoto ....You have WAY too much time on your hands.

    By Blogger cbeley, at 7:46 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger cole_000, at 10:20 PM  

  • ya. are you going to, or do we have to wait for Okiwi?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:42 PM  

  • This may not be an April fool, just a fake. OR it's real and they are working on the coruption problem.
    I really want this to be real, but for every hour that passes without any new, my believe starts to fade

    well well.....
    Time will tell!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:02 AM  

  • just to remind you guys:
    in the 'the truth' thread, gnirfleo said the thing i copied below. And, yes, it is easy to fake usernames, BUT, have a look at the blogger-id of that user. Also posted below, a link to the profile of the person who wrote that. DONT YOU FU*** GET IT??? Its not possible to dublicate blogger-ids , and it matches with the 'real' gnirfleo. Get a f*** clue, kids.

    Gnirfleo, profile :

    "Guys, sorry but I can't keep this longer... this project is fake, you'll have figured it by this moment, sorry to disappoint you but things didn't come back as they were supossed to."

    By Blogger FX9, at 2:44 AM  

  • to clarify:
    the ID is the number behind the profile/ in the url ...
    go compare with the 'real' one.

    By Blogger FX9, at 2:49 AM  

  • Nah, that has been faked. Look a little more down:
    " Gnirfleo hat gesagt...

    this is fake too, retard.
    its easy to fake profile names and shit you dumb dirty jew "

    When you click gnirfleo you get to the same profile, so its obvious its faked.

    By Blogger Geist, at 4:09 AM  

  • well they didn't announce anything yesterday about this being an April fools joke and i don't really think they would because it has been soooo long that they have been working on this so all we have to do is give them time.... now that April fools is over all you conspiriterists can put that theory aside

    By Blogger kyle, at 4:53 AM  

  • haha , r u stupid??
    it really looks you just dont WANT to know this.
    why dont you compare the profile to the one of the 'real' gnirfleo??
    they match, dumbhead.
    im done. ive warned you.
    f*** dumbheads

    By Blogger FX9, at 4:54 AM  

  • calm down, already. To give you some uplift, I pretty much believe that this (the 'browser') was never created and is fake.

    Go to the 'the truth' blog post and search for this entry:
    "this is fake too, retard.
    its easy to fake profile names and shit you dumb dirty jew "

    It's also written by a guy called gnirfleo with the same blog profile - the exact same.
    You get it now? The Blogger profiles seem to be getting easily faked. Btw stop the swearing, go boxing or get a life or smth.

    By Blogger Geist, at 5:06 AM  

  • These is real :

    check the vid' :

    By Blogger Adrien, at 6:57 AM  

  • This type of statement is totally out of order. I cant believe that anyone would be dumb enough to write something like this.

    " easy to fake profile names and shit you dumb dirty jew "

    By Blogger Brit, at 8:35 AM  

  • lol fx9, stop calling people children when you're obviously making the most childish posts. Besides, I'm older than you.

    Those posts made by 'gnirfleo' are obviously fake. So whenever someone posts as gnirfleo, it takes you to the actual gnirfleo profile page because you can fake a profile, but there's still only one 'gnirfleo' with a profile. I hope that clears things up.


    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:40 AM  


    New video of Gnirfleo in action, just got the beta from Gnirfleo himself!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:05 AM  

  • nice video!!!please release soon!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:42 AM  

  • please upload it chaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Blogger tech4375, at 10:44 AM  

  • That video gave me some hope, i change my mind (only a bit)

    By Blogger BakuFunn, at 10:57 AM  

  • Chaz, did you experience any corruption?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:04 AM  

  • :o Gnirfleo looks more real now after that video :)

    By Blogger Superrob, at 11:05 AM  

  • Possibly, video is quite convincing but have seen others do the same thing with bunk programs, also why hasn't he done what the last post in the blog said

    "If we send the file to somebody, it will be somebody who is well known in the DS-scene, or maybe some admin from a respected site."

    So Chaz who are you and what have you done for the DS scene that everyone would know you for? Give us some details about the browser aside from the usual stuff we have been hearing, by all means don't leak it but give us some info on the browser. At least something more than this team has given us, which is pretty much nothing

    By Blogger Fenrir, at 11:12 AM  

  • he may know someone dont forget.

    either way I am not going to say anything else until i have proof in my hands.

    By Blogger tech4375, at 11:14 AM  

  • now i just want gnirfleo to be released, i am about 80% certain its real

    By Blogger BakuFunn, at 11:16 AM  

  • please fix the bug soon.
    @chaz-did u get mem card corruptions?, i got a m3 simply also so yeah...

    By Blogger BakuFunn, at 11:18 AM  

  • Have people here ever heard of backups.

    I would risk corruption since I would back it all up first of all

    By Blogger tech4375, at 11:22 AM  

  • *BEWARE*


    if you get motion sickness, I just lost a $4.60 cheeseburger combo.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:37 AM  

  • Woooot

    i like this browser this is so good this is not FAKE!!
    This is Real!Have Respect!! to Gnirfleo
    This is 100% Real! and 100% good/cool.

    So please Gnirfleo i like your browser please can i the rom/file?
    I have so long to wait i have seen your blogger since you started with this blog.

    PS: so nice is this i like Gnirfleo/ds homebrew

    By Blogger DennisCoder, at 12:10 PM  

  • The video shows a 3k rom file at 1"23, which is even more impressive for a web browser! DSFTP (an FTP server) is shown as 500k, which is its actual size, for comparison (if you don't puke from the wobbly camera).

    By Blogger Richard Quirk, at 12:20 PM  

  • wooo!

    gnirfleo got mentioned!!!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:08 PM  

  • I see the same "3k file" under the menu, but DSOrganizer 2.7 Alpha haves the same size.

    I have my doubt about this browser, but I will wait until the release...or the "is a fake" announce

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:10 PM  

  • who needs a year to develop a browser, at this rate dragonminded *will* have an Xbox 360 emulator in DSOrganise in a year

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:10 PM  

  • The video shows a 3k rom file at 1"23, which is even more impressive for a web browser! DSFTP (an FTP server) is shown as 500k, which is its actual size, for comparison (if you don't puke from the wobbly camera).
    Nope you are wrong watch again its a M!! not a K!

    That means about 3 MEGABYTE!
    And that sounds kinda real ;)

    By Blogger Superrob, at 1:11 PM  

  • yea 3 mb not kb.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:14 PM  

  • So now that gnirfleo sorted the whole thing you know if he will release the beta chaz?

    Hope he will do soon, as dragonminded is adding forms to his browser, and even okiwi will have something out soon too.

    Fingers crossed X

    By Blogger Simon, at 1:16 PM  

  • Wow, Gnirfleo. I guess I probably shouldn't have had my doubts. It just seemed a little fishy, what with the inconsistent updates, lack of info. and all.

    I guess you'd be willing to send the file to people now. If so, please send it to:

    I'd be pretty grateful to get my hands on this browser. From the videos, it looks amazing.

    Oh and check out It's cool if you're into DPG's a lot. And I guess you can call me "active" over there. It's my online home.

    By Blogger shurf, at 1:39 PM  

  • Ok, I see now that DSO is 1 [something] so that makes more sense. In my defence, it is tricky to see with those drunken cameraman antics.

    By Blogger Richard Quirk, at 1:45 PM  

  • The only thing missing now is a file..just a file so that we can try out the browser. Hope it's not much to ask. Since the beginning of this project in December or so, I've been visiting this blog for updates.
    Hopefully I did not do it for nothing.

    By Blogger Simon, at 1:51 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:55 PM  

  • @chaz

    was there a caching file, as described on the front page, included with the binary?

    "There will be 4 different versions. They are somehow the same, but they differ in size." ... "The biggest file will probably have around 100 mb of space to store images, favorites, pages and maybe Flash in the future."

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:58 PM  

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